#Y2K #CoronaVirus #FreakOut #Hoarding #FearItself #VaccineDisaster
When we look at epidemics, or pandemics, the common folk will say that the vaccine, or another medicament is what is triggering it. Medicament is the right word, and it sounds like predicament, doesn't it?
Small pox, it was said that people that got inoculated got small pox.
Where is small pox today? It wasn't eliminated because of a vaccine, or inoculation, it was eliminated because the meek will inherit the Earth. If its a very aggressive form of a contagion, the aggressive form of it will die with the host. Again, if it kills the host, that form of the disease dies with it. So what we are left with is less and less virulent strains of the original.
Spanish Flu epidemic - It wasn't the Spanish flu that killed so many people in the civilized world, it was that Aspirin had come off of patent, and people were being treated with enormous doses of aspirin, like an ounce at a time, and their livers died.
Polio - is a rather innocuous inflammatory disease. The people getting polio were mercury toxic, and they were consuming DDT. DDT came on the scene in the 1920's, and grew more and more popular in its use to protect fruits and vegetables from insects.
Entire barracks of soldiers would get Polio, but they were vaccinated to the hilt, and possibly in newly made barracks with lumber that had been treated with mercury to prevent them being eaten by insects, termites. It is historical fact that they caught polio right after eating fruit compotes. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a blueberry pie lover.
Add to this the amount of mercury being dumped into little children from Mercury Teething powders, and it gave them a disease called Acrodynia, or Pinks disease, because it would turn their hands and feet pink. Add to this DDT, and it became a crippling disease. At the same time the Pharma industry was finally caught poisoning kids with the mercury teething powders, and it was made illegal for pharma to ever to advertise to the general populace ever again. This is why we never saw pharma advertising until 1993, when under Clinton pharma advertising was once again allowed.
In the late 1950's the pharma industry was in financial trouble, and they had to come up with a solution, and the Polio vaccine was born.
I'd have to do some digging, but for anyone that wants the info, the AIDS epidemic came out of a Hep B Vaccine that was being given to gay men in the mid 1980's.
Measles is an innocuous inconvenient 'disease.' Andrew Wakefield, the disgraced scientist didn't say don’t give the vaccine, but simply, ‘don't give the MMR, the three doses of them all at once.’ There were 10 scientists in that study, and he was the only one that wouldn't retract his signature on the report. So what did the industry do? They removed the single shot vaccines. MMR then became required.
The Flu shot is the same thing every year. 'This years vaccine isn't as effective as last year's, but we recommend you get it anyway.' It says right on the inserts of the vaccines that vaccines cause autism.
As of Dec 31, 2019, China approves a pneumonia vaccine from one of their own pharma companies, the company is called Walvax. That means their testing was being done prior to approval. It appears the testing was being done in Wuhan. IMO, the testing backfired, but they approve the Pneumonia vaccine anyway.
Where do we see epicenters of this deadly virus? The most vaccinated places on Earth. Nursing homes, health facilities, the elderly, and people doing overseas travel. That means people on cruise ships.
Italy has a highly vaccinated population.
And Italy pushing the pneumonia vaccine.
So how are people not going to China getting the virus. It probably means that the virus can shed, like 1 degree of separation.
I just came back from New York. I was riding the subway everyday. Why is the virus not attacking the NYC subway system, or the ghettos of Mexico City or Bangladesh? There would be millions of people dead if this was a natural thing. It’s a man made thing.
Stay the hell out of the Western Healthcare system unless it’s an emergency. They are in the business of poisoning people; this is the root of the word Pharmaceutical, pharmakon.
IMO, buildings don't just fall down, unless there is something someone wants to cover up. There are 20 people dead from the collapse of this building.
To date in the USA, there have been 60 people that have died from the Coronavirus. The reaction and the statistics don't add up, they're incongruent.
The media and the pharmaceutical industry walk hand in hand.