
Be Wary of Mainstream 'Scientific' Lies

Be extremely careful of the lies of sources like Wikipedia.

Cut and pasted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methylmercury

Dietary sources:

Because methylmercury is formed in aquatic systems and because it is not readily eliminated from organisms it is biomagnified in aquatic food chains from bacteria, to plankton, through macroinvertebrates, to herbivorous fish and to piscivorous (fish-eating) fish.[8] At each step in the food chain, the concentration of methylmercury in the organism increases. The concentration of methylmercury in the top level aquatic predators can reach a level a million times higher than the level in the water.[8] This is because methylmercury has a half-life of about 72 days in aquatic organisms resulting in its bioaccumulation within these food chains. Organisms, including humans,[9] fish-eating birds, and fish-eating mammals such as otters and whales that consume fish from the top of the aquatic food chain receive the methylmercury that has accumulated through this process.[8] Fish and other aquatic species are the only significant source of human methylmercury exposure.[8] 

This last statement is false.

The problem with Mercury is that it binds with just about anything and everything and can easily change forms. This is why it's so dangerous. When a school has a broken thermometer they have to close it and scrub everything down. Otherwise it will come right off the walls where it's landed looking for a better binder and that tends to be sulfur based organsims.  It enters through the skin and when it finds materials with stronger bonds it changes forms.   If it comes in contact with the right kinds of bacteria inside the body it switches to the most deadly kind of mercury, methyl mercury.  


Annual American Dental Conferences and Conventions

This is a list of annual American Dental Conferences and Conventions through 2017.

We need a presence outside of these meetings to confront those that work in the industry, the ones immorally poisoning the citizens of the United States of America.

The next convention is this weekend June 18 to 21 in San Francisco.  I am not going to be able to make this one.


I am going to be present at the following conventions this year:

Can you join me?

Southwest Dental Conference
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center
650 S. Griffin St.
Dallas, TX 75202
August 2015
8/6/2015 to 8/8/2015

California Dental Association Annual Meeting
Annual Convention
Moscone South
747 Howard St
San Francisco, CA 94103
August 2015
8/20/2015 to 8/22/2015

Annual ADA Meeting
Washington, DC
November 5th to 10th

Greater NY Dental Meeting
New York City
November 27th to December 2nd

How Bill Murray Helped Emma Stone Through Some Acne Problems

I wonder if Billy Murray and Emma know about the relationship between acne and mercury poisoning?


Tim P. Whitby, Getty Images;  Alberto E. Rodriguez, Getty Images for DGA
Tim P. Whitby, Getty Images; Alberto E. Rodriguez, Getty Images for DGA

We’ve always known Bill Murray was a great guy, but we never quite knew that he was the man you want around when you’re breaking out. But we’re not surprised at all to find out that he is.
On the set of their new movie, Aloha, it seems Emma Stone was having some bad acne issues, but Murray was there in the clinch to make her feel better. She told Yahoo Movies U.K.:
“On a daily basis, he would bring me nice little presents. Like he would go to a concert and bring me a keychain, or he would go to a store and bring me Maui Onion potato chips … a visor, some slippers. It was pretty sweet.”
We’ll probably reach peak Bill Murray when he crashes a bachelor party with some Maui Onion potato chips and a visor in hand.

Mercury Poisoned Kittens

 Thank you from the veterinarian Dr Jordan.


Excerpt from Dr Jordan's webpages:

The FDA approves professional poisoning from vaccines, especially the mercury laden rabies vaccinations that veterinarians are forced to take in my state in North Carolina and from the lethal substance being used inside the oral cavity as amalgam fillings. All of this poisoning, is done professionally, by medical doctors and by ADA dentists, all of the poisoning is FDA approved!
