Diabetes Hypothyroid

Thiamine Saves


Thiamine Saves Banana Bag.png



A banana bag (or rally pack) is a bag of IV fluids that typically contains thiamine, folic acid, and magnesium sulfate, and is usually used to correct nutritional deficiencies or chemical imbalances in the human body.  The solution has a yellow color, hence the term "banana bag.”

This bag of Thiamine and Folic Acid and Magnesium and Sulfate, this formula, this recipe, derogatorily named a “banana bag,” is used to save peoples lives in emergencies.  Every Hospital emergency room has banana bags.

When the doctor calls for a banana bag, the cells in the patient’s body are shutting down; they are dying.  The person will die if they don’t get a banana bag.  End of discussion.  Think about this for 30 seconds.  Visualize it.  Please read this part of the article once more.


Prozac treats symptoms, not life or death emergencies.  Chances are you have heard of the ‘for sale’ product called Prozac.  Before today, had you ever heard of a banana bag saving people’s lives?

Why or why not?

The healthcare industry regulates drugs.  The Federal Drug Administration regulates drugs.  Pharmaceutical companies don’t make money selling ‘Banana Bags.’  They make money by selling their patented drugs to treat the symptoms of deficiencies.  They treat deficiencies of the nutrients in the banana bag.  If you are deficient in Thiamine, Sulfur, or Magnesium, you have ailments.  Chances are you are currently taking drugs that treat the symptoms of those deficiencies. 

The healthcare industry doesn’t want you to take a ‘banana bag’ seriously, or it would be called something like, ‘A Save Your Life Bag of Essentials’ or a ‘Life Giving Blessing.’

Here I have taken excerpts from a wonderful article by David Mayo that explains the importance of Thiamine.


David starts off with a list of symptoms of Thiamine Deficiency:

“Have you been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue?  Have you recently removed processed foods from your diet and had a tough go of it?  Have you been diagnosed with a magnesium deficiency?  Do you:”

Drink coffee or tea
Drink alcohol
Binge on sugar or carbohydrates
Exercise excessively (Crossfit or endurance)
Have poor sleep
Have an altered cortisol rhythm
Have candida overgrowth

“If you said yes to a number of these things, you may be at risk for a thiamin deficiency.  What's worse, if you have cut out processed foods or grains you are probably not ingesting enough thiamin through diet and making your problem worse.  Let's take a look at this rarely discussed nutrient and how it may be contributing to your adrenal fatigue.”

The reason so many of our starches are fortified with Thiamine is that it is so very difficult to get Thiamine from our diet.  If you have cut out wheat and gluten fortified with Thiamine, you lost a very important source of Thiamine for you and your family’s health.

Dave continues…

“…Many people who have undertaken a low carbohydrate diet have noticed a change for the worse in sleeping habits.  Since lowering carbohydrate intake always includes lowering grain consumption and thus thiamin consumption, this is a potential mechanism by which low carbohydrate diets may negatively impact sleep.  The problem may not be in the low carbohydrate status so much as low GABA caused by a lack of thiamin intake.  In people who periodically binge on sugar, overexercise, or drink coffee or alcohol the problem will be worse.  Carbohydrate intake could come in to play once adrenal insufficiency sets in because in the absence of carbohydrate, cortisol is used to increase glucose output by the liver.  Also, since low thiamin has been shown to reduce liver glycogen storage, this would impact your ability to meet the brain's glucose needs when asleep.”

Pow!  Now I am awake at 3am in the morning!  I think this wake up call may actually be a ‘Fight or Flight’ response.  Did I run out of energy to make it through the night?  Our cellular sources of energy are made most efficiently with the Citric Acid Cycle.  Thiamine is required to run the cycle.  If we don’t have Thiamine, we won’t have energy.  I believe that our waking up in the middle of the night isn’t just low blood sugar, but a wakeup call that something is wrong, the body is running out of energy, energy that helps us with our oxygen to survive.  It may even be doing this so we physically move to bring more oxygen into our bodies.

Dave continues…

 “…lifestyle factors that are prevalent in modern society also negatively impact thiamin status.  Coffee and tea contain tannins that render thiamin useless in the body in addition to the diuretic effect that caffeine has that increases the loss of B vitamins.  Alcohol also has a negative effect on thiamin levels both by preventing absorption as well as its diuretic effect.  Wernicke-Kosakoff Syndrome(WKS), a disease of thiamin deficiency, is most often seen in alcoholics.  In addition to its alcohol content, wine contains sulfites that destroy thiamin.

Diseases of thiamin deficiency including WKS and beriberi often present with neurological symptoms, but can include the circulatory system as in the case of wet beriberi.  Candida overgrowth can also lead to thiamin deficiency as yeast use thiamin in the first step of alcohol fermentation.  In addition, 3 strains of bacteria known to reside in the human small intestine and colon are known to produce enzymes that degrade thiamin in the digestive tract, which could become problematic if they overgrow.

Diabetes and high blood sugar can also induce thiamine deficiency and diabetics have been found to be deficient in thiamin.  This is due, in part, to hyperglycemia causing increased loss of thiamin in the urine.  Since it is believed that this effect is due specifically to high blood glucose, whether insulin resistance is pathological due to diabetes or physiological due to low carbohydrate intake would be irrelevant.  In addition, low thiamin has been shown to impair pancreatic function leading to hyperglycemia and thiamin therapy has been shown to improve hyperglycemia in diabetics.”

Dave really nails the Thiamine needs of our bodies!  If you didn’t read the full article, please do so now.  Its important to your well being.   

Please read about Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome and Beriberi.  Understand that we are being given extreme examples of Thiamine Deficiency.  This may cause us to look at these conditions and then close the chapter.  "OMG!  Thank god I don’t have that condition!  It must be something else."  And off we go searching for another solution.

What we are not being shown is that there are all shades of grey in Thiamine Deficiency.  WK Syndrome and Beriberi have put a person near death.  We may not be near death because of TD, but we still may not be functioning to our fullest potential.

Please review:

Please also review BeriBeri – Thiamine Deficiency


I like how Derrick Lonsdale MD, FACN, CNS, the writer of the following article compares the action of a spark plug to that of Thiamine throughout our bodies.

“Each of our one hundred trillion body/brain cells is kept alive and functioning because of this reaction.  It all takes place in micro “fireplaces” known as mitochondria.  Oxygen combines with fuel (food) to cause burning or the combustion – think fuel combustion engine.  We need fuel, or gasoline, to burn and spark plugs to ignite in order for the engines to run.”

“In our body/brain cells it is called oxidation.  The catalysts are the naturally occurring chemicals we call vitamins (vital to life).  Like a spark plug, they “ignite” the food (fuel).  Absence of ANY of the three components spells death.”

“Antioxidants like vitamin C protect us from the predictable “sparks” (as a normal effect of combustion) known as “oxidative stress”.  Vitamin B1, is the spark plug, the catalyst for these reactions. As vitamin B1, thiamine, or any other vitamin deficiency continues, more and more damage occurs in the limbic system because that is where oxygen consumption has the heaviest demand in the entire body. This part of the brain is extremely sensitive to thiamine deficiency.”


When we don’t have enough Thiamine, our cells begin to starve of oxygen, and the most dangerous and sensitive place where this happens is the Diencephalon part of our brain. 

“The diencephalon of the brain consists of structures that are lateral to the third ventricle, and includes the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the epithalamus and the subthalamus.”

The Diencephalon is the general area of our pituitary, pineal gland, the olfactory bulb that controls our sense of smell, our optic chiasm (vision), and a little control switch called the ‘Habeunlar Nuclei.’

“…Many scientists have begun to examine the Habenular Nuclei's role in motivation and behavior as it relates to an understanding of the physiology of addiction.”

I believe that our addictive behaviors may be triggered by a poor oxygen state caused by a deficiency of Thiamine.  It may literally trigger us to do something, anything, to get the oxygen moving again.

 “Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) is a vital human nutrient that belongs to the vitamin B complex.  It plays an important role in maintaining a healthy nervous system and improving the cardiovascular functioning of the body.

Vitamin B1 is one of the eight water-soluble vitamins in the B complex family. It helps in the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose, which in turn is used to produce energy for carrying out various bodily functions.  Vitamin B1 is also required for the breakdown of fats and protein.

In addition to these health benefits, it maintains the muscle tone along the walls of the digestive tract and promotes the health of the nervous system, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver.  It also improves the body’s ability to withstand stress and is often called the “anti-stress” vitamin.”


Let’s do a recap.  The Healthcare industry calls life giving essentials in emergencies banana bags.  These ‘banana bags’ save people’s lives everyday.  The contents of the ‘bag’ is a recipe of essentials elements and vitamins that all life needs to properly function.  This recipe cannot be sold.  No one owns a patent on this recipe.  No one owns a patent on magnesium sulfate, folic acid, or thiamine.  This life giving ‘cocktail’ of essentials is often only administered by the Healthcare System when a person is near death.  It is used in the Emergency Room.  At other times the go to defaults for the Healthcare Industry are ineffective drugs and surgical procedures. 

Lets look at some examples.

“…Alcoholics should be administered a multivitamin preparation with sufficient quantities of thiamine and folic acid.  During alcohol withdrawal, the prophylactic administration of THIAMINE, folic acid, and pyridoxine intravenously is recommended before starting any carbohydrate-containing fluids or food.  These vitamins are often combined into a “banana bag” for intravenous administration.”

“Bariatric procedures for the treatment of morbid obesity are the most commonly performed gastrointestinal operations today, more than 34,000 procedures were done all over the world in 2011.  Sleeve gastrectomy has increased in prevalence from 0% in 2003 to 28% in 2011.”

“Weight loss surgery falls into three categories: malabsorptive, restrictive or mixed.  Procedures such as sleeve gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or duodenal switch are the most frequently performed. Nevertheless, there are many procedures or modifications described like Fobi Pouch Gastric Bypass, laparoscopic gastric plication, adjustable gastric band, one anastomosis gastric bypass or ileal transposition.”

“In spite of sleeve gastrectomy being considered a restrictive procedure, …Hormonal changes have been demonstrated, and continue to be the subject of further studies, meaning that the effect of this procedure is more complex than it seems to be.

“…With the upswing of bariatric surgery, surgeons and emergency physicians should be able to diagnose and treat those complications.   Prophylactic THIAMINE should be administered to patients with predisposing factors.”


So if I have this right, there are 34,000 stomach surgeries a year for overweight people, but they aren’t checked initially for Thiamine Deficiency (TD)?  The surgeries are being performed, and then the person is given an emergency dose of Thiamin if their body starts to shut down.  Hmmm…

I wonder what one of those surgeries costs versus the price of a banana bag.

Were the patients low in Thiamine to begin with?  If not, 50% of them appear to be deficient in Thiamine after the surgery.  Thiamine is absorbed in the duodenum.  Anything interfering with the duodenum could cause TD. 

This article is called, “Fatality of Bariatric Thiamin Deficiency”

“Bariatric thiamine deficiency has been reported in as much as 49% of the patient population.  This high rate of occurrence is due to thiamine being best absorbed in the duodenum, a section that is bypassed in some bariatric surgery procedures. Thusly, absorption is decreased and thiamine levels become deficient over time.

Those with diabetes — a common comorbidity of obesity — or chronic vomiting have the greatest risk for thiamine deficiency.

Malabsorption bariatric procedures aside, the greatest cause of thiamine deficiency worldwide is poor diet. In Western countries the primary causes are alcoholism, chronic illness, and cancer. Poor diet before bariatric surgery and post-operatively increases the risk of developing bariatric thiamine deficiency.”

Sounds like they are treating symptoms of TD, or at least creating a problem that may not have existed for some people, but it does in 50% of the cases after the HC system cuts the person open.

I am taking a deep breath right now.  You might want to do the same.  Go for a walk.  Get some oxygen pumping.  Then comeback and continue.  This is a lot for me to take in and it may be for you too.


Here is a list of predisposing factors of and conditions associated with thiamine deficiency.  I have edited the source from an article to include some additional factors.  I reference the article below.

Diet of polished rice/malnutrition
Diet of carbohydrates without supplemental Thiamin
Diet without carbohydrates
Drink coffee or tea
Drink alcohol
Binge on sugar or carbohydrates
Exercise excessively

Gastrointestinal surgical procedures: gastrostomy, gastrojejunostomy, partial or subtotal colectomy, gastric bypass surgery, vertical banded gastroplasty, therapy with an intragastric balloon

Chronic alcohol abuse
Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia bulimia
Binge-eating disorder

I am also including under this category addictive behaviors, impulse behaviors, behaviors that would throw the microbiome out of balance.

Peptic ulcer, gastric cancer, colon cancer, ulcerative colitis with megacolon

Severe obesity
Recurrent vomiting or chronic diarrhea
Pyloric stenosis, peptic ulcer, drug-induced gastritis, biliary colics, Crohn’s disease
Intestinal obstruction or perforation, lithium-induced diarrhea
Pancreatitis, hyperemesis gravidarum

Cancer and related conditions: gastric carcinoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, myelomonocyitic leukemia, large B-cell lymphoma, myeloid leukemia, allogenic bone marrow transplantation/chemotherapeutics (e.g., erbulozole, ifosfamide)”

I am adding to the list constipation.  If the body is not flowing, the body will not get the nutrients it needs.  Thiamine is destroyed by bile, the Thiamine compound is torn apart by it.  If there is a back up, then the bowels are not properly functioning, and there will be limited absorption of essential nutrients.

I am adding to this list a high body burden of mercury.
Amalgam (mercury) dental fillings. 

Thiamine has a sulfur molecule in it, and mercury having an affinity for sulfur will tear the Thiamine compound apart to bind with that sulfur molecule.

Renal diseases

Aquired immunodeficiency disease

Chronic infectious febrile diseases – (Sounds daunting, right?  It means…)
CHRONIC INFECTIONS – This could include any infection.  Lyme, morgellons, candida, systemic jaw infections, MRSA
Thyrotoxicosis – (Have you ever heard of that?  The definition of it is…)
I believe these states of being, lets say a state of Thiamine Deficiency will cause a Thiamine Deficiency.  I believe the body sets itself up, it ‘rights’ itself in the water, like a boat that has been damaged, and it will stay in this stasis, floating around in a crippled state unless we consciously alter that stasis. 

It is unclear whether a bacteria like Pylori might be making Thiamine, and that the body may keep a Pyloric infection going to keep itself alive.  For example, if the host consistently wrecks the microbiome, or causes a loss of Thiamine. 

Pylori is located in the Duodenum and Stomach, right at the Pyloric valve, thus the name Pylori.  If the host, the person, is in a habit of going on ‘Benders,’ taking an action, a high dose of anything that might alter the microbiome, or the body’s Thiamine stores, the body might use the Pylori to produce Thiamine.  The metaphor I see is of having to hire bad guys to get a job done.  We might need the Pylori, the Mob so to speak, to get the goods out of port before they spoil.

The article continues:

“Thiamine and enzymes in need of thiamine as a co-factor are present in all body cells. Deficiency of thiamine affects all organ systems, particularly the cells of the nervous system (e.g., neurons and glia cells, which are supporting cells in the nervous system).

Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), the active form of thiamine, is a required cofactor in two enzyme-mediated carbohydrate metabolism pathways, which are the Kreb’s cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle) and Pentose phosphate pathway.  The Kreb’s cycle is a central metabolic pathway that completes the oxidative degradation of monosaccharide (carbohydrate) and other nutrients, such as fatty acids and amino acids, and occurs in the mitochondria of every cell that utilizes oxygen.” 

Our body can not run the Citric Acid Cycle without Acetyl-CoA, and it is made with Thiamine.

Acetyl-CoA may then be used in the citric acid cycle to carry out cellular respiration, so pyruvate dehydrogenase contributes to linking the glycolysis metabolic pathway to the citric acid cycle and releasing energy via NADH.

This complex is 100% Thiamine dependent

Thiamine Pyrophosphate

Thiamine Pyrophosphate, TPP, works as a coenzyme in many enzymatic reactions, such as:

Pyruvate dehydrogenase complete
Pyruvate decarboxylase in ethanol fermentation
Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex
Branched-chain amino acid dehydrogenase complex
2-hydroxyphytanoyl-CoA lyase

I don’t want to delve too deep into the Citric acid Cycle in this article, but it is important that we cover two of the above enzymatic reactions:

Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
“Activity of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex is decreased in many neurodegenerative diseases. Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Huntington Disease, and supranuclear palsy are all associated with an increased oxidative stress level in the brain.  Specifically for Alzheimer Disease patients, the activity of Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase is significantly diminished.  This leads to a possibility that the portion of the TCA cycle responsible for causing the build-up of free radical species in the brain of patients is a malfunctioning Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex.”

 “Tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes following thiamine deficiency (TD) leads to memory deficits and neurological disease in animals and humans.  The thiamine-dependent enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle are reduced following Thiamine Deficiency (TD).  Also, the brains of patients that died from multiple neurodegenerative diseases often show TD.  

Whether reductions in thiamine or thiamine-dependent enzymes leads to changes in all TCA cycle (CitriCycle) enzymes has never been tested.

In the current studies, the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHC) and all of enzymes of the TCA cycle were measured in the brains of TD mice.  

Non-thiamine-dependent enzymes such as succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), succinate thiokinase (STH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) were altered as much or more than thiamine-dependent enzymes such as the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (KGDHC) (-21.5%) and PDHC (-10.5%).

Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity decreased by 27% and succinate thiokinase (STH) decreased by 24%.

The reductions in these other enzymes may result from oxidative stress because of TD or because these other enzymes of the TCA cycle are part of a metabolome that respond as a group of enzymes. The results suggest that other TCA cycle enzymes should be measured in brains from patients that died from neurological disease in which thiamine-dependent enzymes are known to be reduced.

The diminished activities of multiple TCA cycle enzymes may be important in our understanding of how metabolic lesions alter brain function in neurodegenerative disorders.”


What happened to this great research?  Sounds like Big Pharma ran out of funding that wasn’t giving them a return on their investment.  “Thank you very much for your paper on Thiamine benefits, Mr Junior Scientist.  Since you did such a great job, why don’t you study how to make a drug to treat a symptom of Thiamine deficiency.  There will be a big fat end of the year bonus for you!  In the meantime, we’ll just hold onto this paper for safekeeping.  Thank you very much.”

“ physiology of plant hormones was one of the most dynamic fields in experimental biology in the 1930s, and an important part of T. H. Morgan's influential life science division at the California Institute of Technology. I describe one episode of plant physiology research at the institution in which faculty member James Bonner discovered that the B vitamin thiamin is a plant growth regulator, and then worked in close collaboration with the Merck pharmaceutical firm to develop it as a growth-boosting agrichemical. This episode allows one to draw continuities between certain fields of life science in the United States circa 1940 and the biotechnology industry today, and also foregrounds a number of similarities between plant physiology of the late 1930s and the molecular biology of the period.”

This is a paper written in 1940 about Krebs and his study of the Citric Acid Cycle.  This link opens an excerpt on the relation of that cycle to Thiamine.

The following excerpt tells me something very specific.  It clearly states that Mice on low Thiamine diets were more likely to get Polio, however, they were dying of Thiamine Deficiency.  If a thiamine deficient mouse was not getting polio, from where was the mouse getting its energy?  I believe the mouse’s microbiome may have switched to one of fermentation, glycolysis, or like my pylori example above.  Although the mouse may have been very unhealthy, somehow it was protected from polio.  This may explain why the human has a very diverse microbiome.  We survive.  Does this mean that we should all be fermenting our guts, as many of us already do, running very inefficient citric acid cycles?  No, I don’t believe we should do this.  I don’t want to do it.  I will take my chances with Polio, if the actual research from this article is to be believed.

This is one source for the article:

“Mice given a diet deficient in thiamin showed no significant difference in susceptibility to Theiler's virus when compared with a control group receiving adequate amounts of thiamin. When the Lansing strain of poliomyelitis virus was used as the infecting agent, deficiency in thiamin intake rendered the animals less sus ceptible to infection (35 mice on a thiamin deficient diet showed no paralysis by the 14th day, while at this time 22 of 35 controls on an adequate diet were paralyzed). Many of the test animals died of thiamin deficiency, but if maintenance doses of thiamin were given, paralysis appeared in some animals after a prolonged incubation period, although a signi ficant number of animals still escaped infection. Mice fed on a diet of low calorific value but with adequate thiamin content also showed a lessened susceptibility to infection; the effect was, however, not so marked as that produced by the thiamin-deficient diet. D. J. Bauer”

Here is a great article by Tom Brimeyer about Thiamine and the Thyroid.  This is an excerpt from his article.  Please read this, and then the article in full.

Thiamine Deficiency in Disease and Testing

“Until more recently, it was commonly believed that thiamine deficiency was rare and only found prevalently among alcoholics.

More recent research, however, has helped shed some much needed light on the involvement of thiamine deficiency among other deadly diseases.

Studies have now shown that as many as 55% of cancer patients test positive for thiamine deficiency.

Other studies have shown that thiamine deficiency is found in more than 75% of diabetes (both Type 1 and Type 2).

Yet, thiamine blood tests are not necessarily accurate either.

In studies on using thiamine to treat Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), significant benefits were seen even though the test subjects tested negative for thiamine deficiency.

So, much like thyroid hormone, it’s not necessarily how much thiamine you have in your blood that’s most important.  It’s whether or not your cells can use that thiamine.”

Tom Brimeyer briefly touches on how a Thiamine Deficiency can cause high ammonia levels in the brain.  This revelation if of great importance.

In living organisms, nitrogen arise primarily as ammonia (NH3) and ammonium (NH4+), which is a main component of the nucleic acid pool and proteins. Although nitrogen is essential for growth and maintenance in animals, but when the nitrogenous compounds exceeds the normal range which can quickly lead to toxicity and death. Urea cycle is the common pathway for the disposal of excess nitrogen through urea biosynthesis. Hyperammonemia is a consistent finding in many neurological disorders including congenital urea cycle disorders, reye’s syndrome and acute liver failure leads to deleterious effects. Hyperammonemia and liver failure results in glutamatergic neurotransmission which contributes to the alteration in the function of the glutamate-nitric oxide-cGMP pathway, modulates the important cerebral process. Even though ammonia is essential for normal functioning of the central nervous system (CNS), in particular high concentrations of ammonia exposure to the brain leads to the alterations of glutamate transport by the transporters. Several glutamate transporters have been recognized in the central nervous system and each has a unique physiological property and distribution. The loss of glutamate transporter activity in brain during acute liver failure and hyperammonemia is allied with increased extracellular brain glutamate concentrations which may be conscientious for the cerebral edema and ultimately cell death.


Ingest more Thiamine to get the ammonia levels lowered!


“…Perinatal exposure (to Mercury) led to profound deficits in juvenile hippocampal-dependent learning during training on a spatial navigation task. In aggregate, these studies indicate that exposure to one dose of MeHg during the perinatal period acutely induces apoptotic cell death, which results in later deficits in hippocampal structure and function.”

“The hippocampus belongs to the limbic system and plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory, and in spatial memory that enables navigation.”

“The hippocampus is anatomically connected to parts of the brain that are involved with emotional behavior…”

When we are mercury toxic, that Mercury will impinge on the sulfur in our thiamine, as the ability of a person to function is impaired.  Take a look at this article and see where the function of your body may be impaired because of a Thiamine Deficiency.


How do we get more Thiamine?  For a person with a mercury toxicity, or another habit or condition that impinges on their use of Thiamine, or our access to it, I see no other way to get enough Thiamine to correct a deficiency except by using a Thiamine Supplement.  The body supposedly has only about 20-30mcg of Thiamine in it at any one time.  However, Thiamine is also broken down to make other essential enzymes for us to function.  So for me, this in no way tells the truth as to how much Thiamine we really need.

There appears to be no toxicity level to huge intakes of Thiamine.  Supplemental Thiamine is commonly given in 100mg or even 500mg doses.  The problem will be in the absorption of said Thiamine, as our conditions/habits/symptoms will impede its absorption. 

My recommendation is to take a large dose of Thiamine, in the 100 to 500mg range.  Look for bad reactions, a redistribution of toxins, or something else that makes you feel badly.  If in 24-48 hours you are not having a bad reaction, I would do it again, and keep doing it.

Let me know how you make out with your comments and questions here.

Thank you.
Albert Wilking

I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to feeling great, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Helping people naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.

Albert Wilking

These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol.
Poison as Medicine — Understanding Western Healthcare
Mercury Poisoning — How It Happens
Mercury 911 — Get Mercury Out Of Your Blood Stream Now!
Are You Mercury Toxic? - Please do this exercise
The Wilking Protocol — It Works Naturally
Testimonials — Proof The Wilking Protocol Works
Get Help Now — Consult with Albert Wilking

Vitamin C For Life — Humans Do Not Make Vitamin C
Salt Is Life — Animals Need Lots of Salt

Epsom Flush — Reduce Your Toxic Load
Thiamine Saves — The Addiction Vitamin

Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told
Magnesium - Inflammation and Nerves
Celery - Nitrate and the Microbiome

The Power of Iodine — Dashboard Of Our Body

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