
Tinnitus and Mercury Poisoning

I had tinnitus my entire life.  I believe I was mercury poisoned prenatally. 


Excerpt from a great article by Barry Keate

Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

Of particular interest to people with hearing loss and tinnitus, researchers have linked mercury to hearing loss and multiple sclerosis. We know that hearing loss has a direct impact on tinnitus. This study involved seven women who had been diagnosed with MS. They underwent a standard hearing test then all their amalgam fillings were removed. Six to eight months later they retook the hearing test. Six of the seven had significant hearing improvement in the right ear and five of the seven had improvement in the left ear. Hearing improved an average of 8 dB. The researchers concluded that amalgam fillings may be a significant factor in hearing loss experienced by MS patients and could be a factor in hearing loss for others as well.

Here are excerpts from other blogs and comments.

I can confirm from personal experience that heavy metal poisioning can create the conditions necessary for some to contract Tinnitus.

I have medical and Dental records that confirm the day I got my first Mercury fillings as a teenager was the day I got my Tinnitus. Teenagers seem to be much more sensitive to Mercury then adults it seems.

Tinnitus and Mercury Poisoning

I had ringing in my ears all of my life until about 6 months ago.  Now it comes and goes, but I'm still chelating for mercury poisoning.

Check out this page.

Here is an excerpt.

What are the Symptoms of Heavy Metal Toxicity?
As Heavy Metals affect many organs and functions of the body, they elicit complaints and symptoms that are different from person to person and do not easily fit into the usual diagnostic categories. Therefore they often are difficult to diagnose. Here are some of the symptoms of chronic mercury toxicity:

  • Nervous System: Irritability, low concentration, memory loss, insomnia, depression, anxiety, tingling of the extremities, tremors, disturbed sense of smell and taste (metallic taste), unexplained burning sensation or numbness, pain, headaches, fatigue, tinnitus.
  • Immune System: Chronic or frequent viral, bacterial or fungal (Candida) infections, autoimmune disorders, allergies. The EPA has determined that methyl-mercury is a possible human carcinogen.
  • Cardiovascular: Abnormal heart rhythm, high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy.
  • Skin: Eczema, allergies.
  • Endocrine System: Hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, adrenal disease, infertility.
  • Gastrointestinal: Food sensitivities, bacterial or fungal overgrowth, recurrent parasitic infections, abdominal cramps, irritable bowl symptoms.
  • Systemic: Premature aging, fatigue, fibromyalgia.